Courses in Ageless Wisdom

We are offer programs and consultations devoted to the StarHouse as an instrument for greater understanding of Self and Cosmos...
and the Earth that supports us.
*Sophia literally means “wisdom” in Greek; she is, in our experience, a much needed frequency of Feminine Wisdom in these times. She is the Great Mother, the Sacred Feminine essence of Life. She has many names…”Sophia” is ours! We encourage you to honor her by any name!
About Our Offerings:
12 Senses, The StarHouse Mysteries, StarFire Astrology
~~We seek to work with a committed group of sovereign individuals who understand the need to enter ekstasis* in the Collective, and to align intention with the Intelligence of the One.
~~StarHouse and the surrounding EarthStar property (105 acres) provides a Place, a series of sacred, dedicated sites, where humans can interact with geometries, Nature, the elements and Universal principles that govern creation.
*Ekstasis--literally, 'ecstasy'--we use it to mean "finding the Unified Field of collective, transformative potential"
Exploring the 12 Senses
Each of our twelve senses (we work with 12, including the usual 5) connects physical experience, through soul, to the cosmos. Each has been a gift from the zodiac. StarHouse is a perfect place to learn about how we expand across the Threshold to greater Awareness, as we enhance our sensory world. In 2023, we will work with these portals, one polarity at a time.
Each of these 6 sessions, “The Senses as Thresholds between Spirit &Embodiment” stands on its own; together, they span the entire 12 poles of the StarHouse, working with the 6 polarities, i.e. 2 Senses each evening.
For questions please send an email below to Lilaplays@icloud.com
Goddesses of America

A seven-part online course, with Lila Tresemer, exploring the nation's meaning and language of the feminine goddess archetypes. Discover how this relates to you, and remythologize the idea of America.
Join a Sacred Activist Journey to Washington, D.C. Oct. 17-22, 2023: LilaPlays@icloud.org for details
An online, 7-part course: $133
StarHouse is a Temple of Sacred Structure, supported by the Temples of Nature—wild nature surrounding it, and cultivated nature in our organic gardens on the property. The Mysteries of StarHouse series began in the autumn of 2019 to introduce some of the keys, codes, and activations of this sacred instrument. Saturday lunch is catered and included.
$350 ($325 StarHouse Members—(scholarships available by application)
The StarHouse Mysteries
Keys, Codes and Geometries of the StarHouse as a Temple of Sacred Structure
with David and Lila Tresemer
Friday, Aug. 18 , 2023 from 6:45-9:15pm, and Saturday, Aug. 19 from 10am-5pm MDT
The StarHouse Mysteries
Star Wisdom at the StarHouse
Brian Gray, Robert Schiappacasse, &
David Tresemer, Ph.D.
Previously recorded
What if your first breath was not random?
Astrology is a tool that can reveal the wisdom in one’s biography ~ the mystery of the triumphs and tragedies that belong to each individual. The StarHouse is particularly good at supporting this understanding.
In this recorded webinar, you will explore:
how celestial dynamics can influence your life ~ the beings in the heavens who have been supporting you from conception through ... now!
how to look at a chart of your first breath {birth chart}
the foundations of western anthroposophic sidereal astrology
how to meet mainstream science head-on in an evaluation of astrology
This course is for everyone seeking to understand one’s personal biography and world events through anthroposophic astrology.

The StarHouse
in Boulder, CO
3476 Sunshine Canyon Dr 80302
(See map below)

Expanding through senses as Portals allows us to enrich both our experience in Matter, as well as the knowing that comes from Pure Awareness, from the Unified Field.

The StarHouse is a sacred site that holds codes, keys and patterns of Universal Intelligence.

The StarHouse is a 12-sided building that can enhance spiritual practice and deepen our understanding of a Universal Template.